Have you ever wanted to make a super simple side dish that took almost no time at all in order to "complete" a meal or to "stretch" what you had planned because you had company coming?
Well, this is a great one for that!
This is a very simple but tasty side dish that goes well with a lot of things from rice to potatoes, from yams to baked potatoes!
1 head of cauliflower, (slice florets in half)
Enough of your favorite tomato sauce (spaghetti-like) to cover the cauliflower florets
Put both ingredients in a sauce pan and cook florets in the sauce until they are tender (10 to 12 minutes).
That's it!
Very simple but really nice!
Do you sometimes feel discouraged? Do you feel that life is very hard for you and that you need or would like to have encouragement that is not fluffy, but based on something solid? Check out this beautiful blog!
Drops of Joy and Sunshine

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