These are quite easy to make and if you are having company, you can put them on the side of just about anything and they'll love'em!
1 1/2 cup oats
1 cup brown rice (medium grain) cooked
1/4 cup gluten flour (if allergic to gluten, substitute with 3 tbsp. cornstach)
1/2 cup wheat germ
1/2 cup walntus
1 tbsp. fresh parsely, minced
2 Tbsp. sweet paprika powder
2 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsp. onion powder
Salt to taste
1/2 tsp. Italian Seasoning
1/2 cup water or more
Pulverize your walnuts in a blender or food processor, drop into a bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix them well, adding
the water little by little until you have a dough. If dough is too stiff, add a bit more water. Form little rollies withe palms of
your hands and put them in a large plate. Heat skillet barely "painted" with olive oil and cook the rollies until golden on all sides.
They make a delicious side dish for many, many meals!
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